2023 Charged Up
“In CHARGED, two competing alliances are invited to deliver game pieces to bring energy to their community. Each alliance brings energy to their community by retrieving their game pieces from substations and scoring it into the “grid”. Human players provide the game pieces to the robots from the substations. In the final moments of each match, alliance robots race to dock or engage with their charge station”
2022 Rapid React
“Rapid react revolves around both alliances shooting inflatable balls known as Cargo into a central Hub and climbing within theirĀ Hangars at the end of the match. The overall objective of each match is to score more points than the opposing alliance before the match ends”

2020-2021 Infinite Recharge
“Infinite Recharge revolves around a post-apocalyptic scenario where robots collected and shot power cells to generate energy and defend the city. The game involved gathering and scoring power cells in different goals, activating shields with control panels, and “climbing” a generator switch in the endgame. Teams collaborated in alliances, emphasizing strategic gameplay, accurate shooting, and robot agility to accumulate points and succeed in matches. “